We will dance the first corazon of 2019 on sunday february 3 from 14.00-18.00. All info: Facebook, our website www.corazonleiden.nl or www.tangokalander.nl .
When the wheather stays like this, it will be nice and warm. DJ Aad de Danser will take care of the music with new tanda's and cortina's. And we will be there to welcome you.
Entrance E 12,-. This includes 2 free drinks.
And if after the salon you don’t feel like cooking at home, or you just want to keep enjoying the ‘gezelligheid’? Then check out what De Burcht/Het Koetshuis have on offer!
We’re hoping to see you all again.
Abrazo, team Corazón, Aad, Cor, Ingrid, Tristan